Friday, October 20, 2023

October 20th 2023 - Starting to think about Board Members for this Foundation

I am OK with a name change, I not so creatively chose "bitcoinalexsfoundation" but I'm open to ideas!

This is a philanthropic foundation with the goal of righting injustice around the world starting with Gaza and Palestine.  

Proposed Board Members so far: Me, Ali Abunimah, Stanley Cohen and Kim Iverson.  Any other suggestions?

I have emailed Mr. Ali Abunimah and tweeted at Mr. Stanley Cohen.  Emailed Ms. Kim Iverson this morning. 

The US is sinking in blood because of Zionism

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October 21st 2023 - Time for a Rename!

At first it was just me, so I figured would give this foundation a fitting name: bitcoinalexsfoundation. Not very creative but served its pu...