Thursday, October 19, 2023

October 19th 2023 - Situation in Gaza is worse than unimaginable

Electronic Intifada  "Biden’s Gaza 'aid' plan a fig leaf for genocide"

See April 10th 2021 post to see what this foundation is all about, its a movement.  

"Human Beasts" in Gaza...

Silence is Complicity


Here is my plan to grow this peoples financial movement.  Vote with your money, money is speech.

First I have notified my contacts on Facebook Messenger that I have got this foundation rolling.  

Second I am trying to reach Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada to get him to come on the board of this foundation and be one of the principles, a wallet key holder.

I am also trying to reach Stanley Cohen, well known as a previous lawyer for Hamas, I would like him as a board member and a wallet key holder as well.  

Both are hard to reach in this difficult time but I will get them.

So the three of us will control access to all Bitcoins donated and access to those funds will need agreement from all three key holders.

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