Saturday, October 21, 2023

October 21st 2023 - Time for a Rename!

At first it was just me, so I figured would give this foundation a fitting name: bitcoinalexsfoundation.

Not very creative but served its purpose.

Moving to new location:

Facebook Group: The Bitcoin Philanthropy Society

Friday, October 20, 2023

October 20th 2023 - Starting to think about Board Members for this Foundation

I am OK with a name change, I not so creatively chose "bitcoinalexsfoundation" but I'm open to ideas!

This is a philanthropic foundation with the goal of righting injustice around the world starting with Gaza and Palestine.  

Proposed Board Members so far: Me, Ali Abunimah, Stanley Cohen and Kim Iverson.  Any other suggestions?

I have emailed Mr. Ali Abunimah and tweeted at Mr. Stanley Cohen.  Emailed Ms. Kim Iverson this morning. 

The US is sinking in blood because of Zionism

Thursday, October 19, 2023

October 19th 2023 - Situation in Gaza is worse than unimaginable

Electronic Intifada  "Biden’s Gaza 'aid' plan a fig leaf for genocide"

See April 10th 2021 post to see what this foundation is all about, its a movement.  

"Human Beasts" in Gaza...

Silence is Complicity


Here is my plan to grow this peoples financial movement.  Vote with your money, money is speech.

First I have notified my contacts on Facebook Messenger that I have got this foundation rolling.  

Second I am trying to reach Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada to get him to come on the board of this foundation and be one of the principles, a wallet key holder.

I am also trying to reach Stanley Cohen, well known as a previous lawyer for Hamas, I would like him as a board member and a wallet key holder as well.  

Both are hard to reach in this difficult time but I will get them.

So the three of us will control access to all Bitcoins donated and access to those funds will need agreement from all three key holders.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

October 18th 2023 - Update, I am activating this foundation as of today.

I no longer need a sponsor, I am totally self-financed now.  I plan to leave my estate to Gaza and the people of Palestine and this foundation is going to help me do it.  I am starting a public Bitcoin Fund and am starting with a donation of one bitcoin from me, the only Bitcoin I have at the moment, but I do have one.  I plan to buy another soon.  I plan to raise from 100,000 to 1 million Bitcoins to fund the "Gaza Reconstruction and Reconciliation Fund".  Not in my name.  This is the first project of this foundation which may get a name change.  This might sound crazy but its a goal.  

I am trying to contact people on Twitter to tell them about my idea.

I saw this image today and thought, not in my name.  No more.  I have lived through all of this and stood by and let it happen.  Silence is complicity.  I have seen protest over protest such as against the Iraq war come to nothing.  It's time to do something different, think differently.  Use the Energy of Money, the power of Money, of Bitcoin to put an end to the Genocide happening now in Gaza.  I am starting a fund, the "Gaza Reconstruction and Reconciliation Fund" and am looking to raise 100,000 to 1,000,000 Bitcoins to do this. I have 1.22BTC and I will buy another to replace this one.  I have always said you don't need more than one to have hope.     

Seeing the war criminals Netanyahu and Biden hug each other in IsraHell today was sickening. 


No more am I going to stand by and let this genocide continue in my name.  I am going to use the power and Energy of money, of Bitcoin to do something and not let this stand.

This fund is the first, the inaugural project of this foundation and I intend to make it a success, I am very excited from first interactions, I have told about 5 people so far, here is video from interaction today.

Telling my dad today


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Goals of this foundation

My goal with this foundation is to be the most trusted crypto philanthropic society on earth

It's purpose is to right injustice using crypto.  

Palestine, access to clean drinking water, hunger, famine, corruption, slavery, its a long list.

I was a crypto OG in 2011 and had 420 Bitcoins but lost them all by 2018 when QuadrigaCX went down because I forgot that Bitcoin was God's money and not your keys, not your crypto.  You can read all about my story here: How I lost 420 Bitcoins

I have been thinking for some time now how to get the general public into crypto and was prompted by Deutsche Bank announcing they would be custodians for crypto.  If you can store your crypto in a bank, what is stopping you from switching?  After spending much time thinking how to reach the masses I eventually came up with the What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is peoples money piece.

I am hoping the crypto OG's who have made millions and billions, after buying cars, houses, yachts and planes, will want to do some good with their new found fortune and help change the world for the better, not just hoard their massive wealth.  "More money than God," great book, but why not use that wealth to make the world a better place? Be kind and generous.  Bitcoin is the peoples money.  I am looking for a sponsor and volunteers to help who believe in the goals of this foundation. 

October 21st 2023 - Time for a Rename!

At first it was just me, so I figured would give this foundation a fitting name: bitcoinalexsfoundation. Not very creative but served its pu...