Saturday, April 10, 2021

Goals of this foundation

My goal with this foundation is to be the most trusted crypto philanthropic society on earth

It's purpose is to right injustice using crypto.  

Palestine, access to clean drinking water, hunger, famine, corruption, slavery, its a long list.

I was a crypto OG in 2011 and had 420 Bitcoins but lost them all by 2018 when QuadrigaCX went down because I forgot that Bitcoin was God's money and not your keys, not your crypto.  You can read all about my story here: How I lost 420 Bitcoins

I have been thinking for some time now how to get the general public into crypto and was prompted by Deutsche Bank announcing they would be custodians for crypto.  If you can store your crypto in a bank, what is stopping you from switching?  After spending much time thinking how to reach the masses I eventually came up with the What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is peoples money piece.

I am hoping the crypto OG's who have made millions and billions, after buying cars, houses, yachts and planes, will want to do some good with their new found fortune and help change the world for the better, not just hoard their massive wealth.  "More money than God," great book, but why not use that wealth to make the world a better place? Be kind and generous.  Bitcoin is the peoples money.  I am looking for a sponsor and volunteers to help who believe in the goals of this foundation. 

October 21st 2023 - Time for a Rename!

At first it was just me, so I figured would give this foundation a fitting name: bitcoinalexsfoundation. Not very creative but served its pu...